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Experience the Power of Holistic Health Coaching

Group Coaching

Sacred Self-Care Circle and Intro to Intuitive Eating (on Zoom)

 Group Coaching is a great option for those who are looking to heal and grow in community. The Sacred Self-Care Circle (SSCC) focuses on building a sustainable self-care practice, exploring themes such as limiting beliefs, deepening connection to self and others, and drawing on strengths and intrinsic motivation to create lasting change. The group meets once a week for 60-90 minutes (depending on group size).  Group is capped at 5 participants. Next start date TBD.

Would you like to discover a more loving way to relate to food and your body, and ditch the diet mentality? In Intro to Intuitive Eating, we will focus on the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. It is a 5 week program, meeting once a week for 90 minutes over Zoom. Next group start date TBA. Please contact Tria if you are interested. Group is capped at 7 participants. 

New! Corporate Coaching

Coaching, classes and workshops on self-care and avoiding burnout for your workplace!

Could your professional team or  workplace use coaching for better self-care and burn-out prevention? Are you looking to build a culture of compassion, support and resilience?

Group coaching and workshops are great opportunities to improve morale, build confidence and a great workplace culture.

Contact Tria to address your specific needs and ideas for coaching to improve your working environment and productivity!


2 hour Sacred Self-Care Workshop 

Do you have a group of 5-15 people you'd like to book a workshop for? This can be over Zoom or in person. This opportunity is great for a group of friends, as part of an event for your business or for a staff training. Delve deeper into the importance of self-care and what that can look like for you.

Building a culture of self-care is beneficial not only for the individual but for communities and businesses. When we take care of ourselves, we can live in alignment with our joy and values and be of service to those around us. Send Tria a message to learn more and schedule your workshop!

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